My Vegan Travels

One of my greatest passions, in addition to writing and creating stories, is traveling. So far I have traveled all over my homeland, the United States and have made my way through parts of Europe including: Germany, France, Austria, Netherlands, Hungary and Romania just to name a few.

Me & Hubs skiing in Romania

Traveling as a vegan can sometimes be difficult and that can make it feel like an impossible task but nothing is impossible when it comes to eating & traveling!

Visiting the Eiffel Tower at night!

First thing you should always do? Learn how to say vegan or plant based or animal free in the language where you will be traveling, just to make sure there are no misunderstandings. You might have to cobble together a meal out of side dishes or wait a little longer, but open your mouth and ask, and that will get you halfway to a full belly.

Peles Castle, Romania

Howling Waterfall


Würzburg, DE

Leonburg, DE

Peles Castle, RO

Poiana Brașov, RO

Busteni, RO

Hunedoara, Alba Iulia, Deva & Sighisoara, RO

Cluj-Napoca, RO

Brasov, RO

Sinaia, RO

Bucharest, RO – 2019

Bucharest, RO – 2021

Sinaia, RO – 2022