Posted in Bowls, oil free vegan recipes, one pot recipes, Plant Based, Vegan

Warm Chickpea Salad Recipe

Greetings, fellow vegans!

Last week was an unwelcome diversion from Spring with rainy days, overcast skies and temperatures hovering in the low teens (Celsius). While i appreciated the small break from the hellacious allergies I’ve been experiencing this Spring, I did not appreciate the return to cold weather. I had a bunch of fun vegan salad recipes all planned out but if you’re like me, you understand that cold weather and cold food don’t often go together.

So when I was trying to figure out what to do with the mountains of veggies in my fridge, I came across a reel on IG from The Nard Dog Cooks. Usually I watch him on YT but he’s been popping up in my IG feed lately and I’m happy about it. In addition to a glorious beard, he has lots of healthy vegan recipes that often are simple and super flavorful. This Turkish Chickpea Salad is one such recipe.

The seasons are wonderful–cinnamon, garam masala, turmeric, cloves & paprika–and they made our apartment smell AMAZING! The spices are the true star of this easy vegan meal, so make sure you don’t skimp on them.

This is a totally plant based vegan recipe, just chickpeas, veggies and spices. If you’re curious about the original recipe you can search it on the link above. This is my variation which, honestly doesn’t vary all that much.

So let’s do some vegan cooking, shall we?

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Posted in oil free vegan recipes, one pot recipes, Plant Based, Sandwiches, Vegan

Vegan Sandwich Recipes!! ~ Spicy Jackfruit Sloppy Joes

It’s Spring which means that there are two vegan dishes that are on a steady rotation in my household. Salad and sandwiches. I know, I know, to some it might sound boring but to me it sounds like warm weather and fun.

Sandwiches are so versatile. You can use pretty much anything you want inside the sandwich. Don’t believe me? Check out this Mushroom Reuben Sandwich or this delicious Pickled Carrot & Pesto Sandwich! Weird but delightful, I promise.

Anyway back to sandwiches. They can be hot or cold, fresh or cooked, canned or however else you like your sandwiches. And then the bread! Bagels, rolls, buns, slices, wraps and then you can even make it an open-faced sandwich.

What’s not to like?

I’ve been experimenting with jackfruit whenever I can find it and after watching a Family Ties clip on YouTube, I was suddenly in the mood for Alex P. Keaton and Sloppy Joes. Since I’m in Romania and Alex is a fictional character, it’s just me and good ol’ Joe.

Jackfruit Sloppy Joes are easy to make and you can make it bigger batch to freeze or serve it over rice or nachos for a second meal.

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Posted in Bar Food, Bowls, Grains, one pot recipes, Pizza, Plant Based, Salads, Vegan

Vegan Summer Recipes!! ~ Spicy Chickpea Pasta Salad

Are you one of those people who sometimes think that certain foods just don’t go together? Not in a food snob kind of way, just that you’ve never thought about it or they don’t seem as if they should go together? Well I have and it’s one of my biggest weaknesses as a vegan home chef and I’ve been working hard to correct. My Hubs? He is the master at putting together weird ingredients and making them work.

We all have our things…right?

Anyway I saw this recipe when I was scrolling social media and it was buffalo spiced chickpeas and pasta salad…put together!

My first reaction was, “Beans and pasta salad? Weird.” But the photos really looked delicious and honestly I was sold right then and there. So, short story long that is how we arrived at today’s recipe.

A few notes:

*You can omit the spice and opt for a mixture of herbs and other not-spicy spices.
*Make sure the chickpeas are dry prior to seasoning them. Drain and rinse and then rub with a kitchen towel.
*If you’re not a fan of spiral pasta shapes, get one with the little ridges because they hang on to flavor and sauces better.

Strap on your favorite kitschy apron and let’s do this!

Continue reading “Vegan Summer Recipes!! ~ Spicy Chickpea Pasta Salad”
Posted in Bowls, oil free vegan recipes, one pot recipes, Plant Based, Potatoes, Vegan

Smoky Vegan Potato Salad – One Bowl Vegan Recipe

The title is a bit clunky isn’t it? Yeah, I know but that’s the point here. The vegan potato salad is a whole meal on it’s own so you can make double to eat it for dinner or the next day for lunch.

There’s no story behind this recipe (you’re probably thankful for that!) other than I really wanted potato salad. I love it and I don’t have it often enough because potato salad, even vegan potato salad, can be quite the calorie bomb, at least in my opinion. Even if you swap out the vegan mayonnaise for vegan yogurt, there’s only so much you can do to make it calorie friendly so that you can add something else to turn it into a meal.

Obviously back in the day at a family barbecue nobody was thinking about calories so we happily piled on barbecue family favorites beside.

Yeah, I’m not doing that.

But potato salad is my thing so I had to figure it out. And instead of going crazy or considering it a “cheat” day because honestly, who am I cheating, I decided to make it a one bowl vegan meal. It’s like a one pot vegan meal only…in a bowl.

So, grab your cutting board and knife and let’s get started!

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Posted in Breads, International vegan cuisine, Italian, oil free vegan recipes, one pot recipes, Plant Based, Soup, Vegan

Vegan Italian Bread Soup (Pappa al Pomodoro) Recipe

Hey there, guys!

I don’t know how much you know about Romania but there are two major influences in this country in two distinct ways. German influences are everywhere, most obvious when it comes to corporate influences. Many of the biggest companies here–grocery stores, home wares, construction–are based in Germany.

And then there’s Italy. Many Romanians live in Italy and bring back parts of the culture for those at home, including food. Okay maybe most especially food.

Which brings me to my point. Finally. I had quite a bit of leftover bread and it was hard but not moldy so I was loathe to just toss it out. My options were limited, breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs. So what did I choose?

At my husbands advice, I chose an Italian style bread soup.

Now if you knew me at all you would know that I have a thing about soggy bread. I don’t like it. That’s my thing. It’s one of the reasons I don’t like any dish–vegan or otherwise–that makes use of soggy bread that I’m required to eat.

Nope. No, thank you.

But I did my research and found an Italian recipe Pappa al Pomodoro, which ironically means “tomato mush” when translated, and I decided it was something within my skill set and I had the required ingredients.

Verdict? It came out pretty delicious if I say so myself. But be warned, even though I didn’t put the bread in the pot, but rather at the bottom of the bowl and poured the rest of the soup on top of it, that bread was hot as hell!!

My only complaint, I swear!

This vegan soup recipe is easy to make, doesn’t have a rigid list of ingredients and can be used as a perfect throw away vegan recipe, as in you can use things that might have to be thrown away if doesn’t get used soon.

Continue reading “Vegan Italian Bread Soup (Pappa al Pomodoro) Recipe”
Posted in oil free vegan recipes, one pot recipes, Plant Based, Soup, Vegan

Vegan Dill & Cauliflower Broccoli Soup Recipe

The weather lately has been all over the place in my neck of the woods which makes it hard to plan out meals of any kind. Luckily for me, I’ve been busy. Really busy. Which means it’s been a one pot vegan meal kind of week. Or month.


It also means that one pot is often soup, a big ol’ batch of soup that we can have for lunch and dinner, with bread and then later with grains. The best part, for me, about vegan soup recipes is that soup is nutritious, delicious and low calorie. That pretty much makes it perfect, doesn’t it?

Anyway I was perusing the pages of Pinterest in search of new soup recipes and I came across this beauty, but with a few alterations.

It’s weird, that I eat cauliflower pretty regularly but I’ve never made cauliflower as part of a soup like I have today. I’ve made a Creamy Cauliflower Bisque and plenty of curries where cauliflower gets top billing, but a soup like this? Nope. And guess what? It turned out really good and incredibly satisfying.

Continue reading “Vegan Dill & Cauliflower Broccoli Soup Recipe”
Posted in Bar Food, International vegan cuisine, oil free vegan recipes, one pot recipes, Sauces & Creams, Sides, Vegan

Vegan Hot Sauce ~ Cranberry Habanero & Chili Hot Sauce Recipe

Do you like hot sauce? I LOVE it. Sriracha, Frank’s Red hot, Rooster, Chalula ,Tabasco and any German, Romanian or other international hot sauces…I love’em. I’ll try pretty much any hot sauce as long as it’s hot, delicious and vegan. And now–apparently–I make my own hot sauce.


Honestly it’s because a few months ago there was a severe (okay maybe the severe part was in my head) Sriracha shortage and we went months, literal actual months without it. That and the fact that all the fun, specialty hot sauces are wicked expensive and sure, business is good, but why should I give over an arm and a leg for hot sauce when I have peppers, garlic, vinegar and a blender?

Okay, and my Hubs kept hinting that he wanted me to make a sweet & spicy hot sauce. He suggested blueberry or lemon but it was the winter season and I opted for fresh cranberries. Why? Because I’m slightly lazy and because I’m an Ace at making fresh cranberry sauce so I knew it would be delicious.

And guess what? It was!!!

It’s an easy vegan recipe that anyone can make. And the best part of all? You can trade up pretty much any fruit if you’re not a heat lover to add a big ol’ heap of sweet to hot sauce.

Continue reading “Vegan Hot Sauce ~ Cranberry Habanero & Chili Hot Sauce Recipe”
Posted in French, International vegan cuisine, oil free vegan recipes, one pot recipes, Plant Based, Soup, Vegan

Creamy Oven Roasted Carrot & Sweet Potato Bisque (no cream, vegan & oil free)

If there’s anything good about cold weather aside from skiing, it’s soup season. I work from home which means I can hunker down and cuddle up with my laptop and work all day regardless of what happens outside. Even when I’m busy or maybe especially when I’m busy but I know that I need to eat, I break out this cold-weather vegan soup recipe.

It’s a one pot recipe that I guess is technically a one tray and then a one pot vegan soup recipe because first you cook it all in the oven, let it cool and then pop it in a blender before re-heating it in a pot. You can decide if you want to add bread or noodles or rice, or pretty much anything else you want if the veggies aren’t enough to satisfy a hungry vegan.

The only reason I chose carrots and sweet potatoes is because of the color and because carrots and sweet potatoes are delicious AF. But as you will likely see in the coming vegan recipes, you can do this with any combination of vegetables you want.

But before we get into this vegan soup recipe, let’s check out the beautiful (if uneven) thick thighs on this carrot! Tell me what you think in the comments below!

And now, let’s get to the Creamy Carrot & Sweet Potato Bisque.

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Posted in Bowls, oil free vegan recipes, one pot recipes, Plant Based, Vegan

Oven Roasted Buddha Bowl Recipe

Hello, there and happy Monday my lovely food lovers! I hope you had a good weekend.

I spent most of it working on Emerald Creek (almost done) and I enjoyed a few hours in the snow that fell between Friday and Saturday.

It was nice to get outside for a few hours and with the layers I had on, I wasn’t at all cold except for my cheeks. So it was a fun little break that allowed a bit of inspiration to seep in, so rather than whip up (another) soup, I went for an oven roasted Buddha bowl, or Harvest Bowl if you prefer.

This easy vegan meal is packed with vegetables and nutrients, and it’s very easy to make. And best of all? You can change up the veggies and get weeks upon weeks worth of meals based on what’s in season in your neck of the woods.

What’s your favorite plant based meal?

Continue reading “Oven Roasted Buddha Bowl Recipe”
Posted in Grains, oil free vegan recipes, one pot recipes, Plant Based, Soup, Vegan

Butter Bean & Orzo, Dill Soup

Even though I am not a huge fan of incredibly cold weather, there are a few things I do love about proper cold weather:

*Winter coats
*Mulled wine

Since this isn’t a fashion blog, I’m of course talking about vegan winter soup recipes. Is there anything better than a hearty, veggie-loaded soup to get rid of the chill in the air? Even with heat, fuzzy socks and slippers, nothing warms me up quite like a big, steaming bowl of soup.

This is a first time vegan soup recipe for me but it’s a win and I’ll probably add it to the rotation with a few tweaks here and there. It hits all the right notes and is perfect if you’re looking to make a big batch of soup for lunch and dinner.

Continue reading “Butter Bean & Orzo, Dill Soup”