Posted in International vegan cuisine, oil free vegan recipes, one pot recipes, Plant Based, Salads, Vegan

Crispy Vegan Potato Salad Recipe

You know how much I love testing out new vegan recipes. If it looks delicious and there’s already a recipe, chances are good that I want to test it out, and that goes double when it’s something I already love like vegan potato salad.

Potato salad, for me, is one of those nostalgic recipes that reminds me of hanging out with my family during the summer for backyard barbecues, family gatherings and pretty much just summer. Each of my grandmother’s has a different recipe for the perfect potato salad and over the years–before and after becoming vegan–I’ve played with the ingredients, combined them and omitted the things I didn’t like to come up with my own version.

And then along comes this viral Instagram vegan potato salad recipe. Okay, full disclosure: I don’t remember if this was a vegan potato salad recipe or not but when I look at anybody’s recipes, I’m always in search of ways to veganize them.

This viral vegan potato salad recipe is quite easy, especially if you already know how to make potato salad. The key to making this recipe a crowd pleaser is two fold; you need crispy potatoes and fresh herbs. Everything else is up to you but these two are a must.

It’s easy and the best part about this vegan potato salad recipe is that you can make a big batch and add a few more veggies to turn it into a one pot meal, or you can add your favorite vegan meat alternative.

Take your time with the potatoes and the rest will fall into place, easy peasy.


Kitchen Tools:

*Baking sheet
*Mixing bowl
*Kitchen scale


*Fresh dill
*Dill pickles (or dill relish)
*Scallions (fresh & sliced)
*Garlic (oven roasted)
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*Bring a pot of water to a boil and cook potatoes for 5 to 8 minutes. Drain

*Pre-heat oven to 200C/375F

*Chop dill and scallions and place them into a large mixing bowl.

*When potatoes are cool enough to handle, smash them down into discs or rough chop them, your choice. Season and add oil if you want. Add garlic to the baking mat, wrapped in foil. Cook until potatoes are crispy on the edges and soft in the middle, about 15 to 18 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.

*Mix cocogurt and mustard with the scallions and dill.

*When potatoes and garlic are cool, chop (if necessary) and add to the mixing bowl, tossing everything until coated.

*Serve this vegan potato salad as your main dish or add something like vegan sausages or vegan burgers on the side, for a fun BBQ summer treat!

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Contemporary romance writer, political comedy writer, ghostwriter and editor. Lover of coffee, off-key singer, vegan and all around crazy girl!

8 thoughts on “Crispy Vegan Potato Salad Recipe

    1. That’s awesome! I find that potato salad is always a crowd pleaser as long as it’s seasoned well…at least until you reveal that “yes, it’s vegan” and then suddenly it doesn’t quite taste the same! hahahaha

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